
Entity Definition

Logical Name : BrandedTenderMediaPromotionRewardEligibility
Physical Name : RU_BRN_TND_MD_EL

A kind of RewardDerivationRuleEligibility that allows RewardDerivationRules to be linked with the use of a particular tender media brand. For example customers that purchase products using an ART branded VISA credit/debit card get an extra 2.5% discount off of the retailer's retail price. Note that this is separate from the rebates offered by credit card companies which happen independently from retailer offers (since the rebates apply to all purchases made by a customer).

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
RewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID (FK)(PK) A unique identifier for a Reward Derivation Rule Eligibility. ID_EL_PRDV Identity integer
TenderMediaBrandID (FK) Token identifier for a tender media brand. ID_TND_MD_BRN Identity integer BrandedTenderMedia(CO_BRN_TND_MD)
TenderTypeCode (FK) A code which uniquely identifies the type of tender, ie cash, check, credit card, etc. Sample Values: CASH - currency CREDIT - credit card DEBIT - debit card CUST_ACCT - customer credit account with retailer EBT - electronic benefits transfer CHEQUE - personal or business cheque STORED_VALUE - gift cert. or gift card COUPON - mfg coupon VOUCHER - retailer issued debit (e.g. coinstar voucher) SEND_CHECK - paid out/refund via acct pay. TRADEIN - trade in kind/trade in debit OTHER - other debit offset tender type TY_TND Code varchar(20) BrandedTenderMedia(CO_BRN_TND_MD)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
BrandedTenderMedia is basis for BrandedTenderMediaPromotionRewardEligibility
RewardEligibilityRule can be a BrandedTenderMediaPromotionRewardEligibility

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